How long will take for my order to arrive? Can I get a tracking number?
Your order is usually shipped within 24 hours of receiving it. Because we use the USPS (United States Postal Service), shipments can be made to post office boxes.
If you order using standard shipping, we estimate that your shipment will arrive in 5-9 business days. Standard shipping uses USPS First Class for CD-only orders and USPS Media Mail for orders that include a user's guide. You can also choose to have your order sent by USPS Priority Mail, which typically arrives in 4-5 business days. The USPS does not provide tracking numbers for either of these delivery services.
For orders outside of the United States, standard shipping uses USPS First Class Mail International and averages 11-21 days. Priority shipping uses USPS Priority Mail International and averages 5-10 days.
Bulk orders are generally shipped UPS, which can be tracked.
The USPS has provided us with years of reliable delivery. The delivery times shown here are estimates and shipments can take longer, especially during the holiday season. If you are concerned about the delivery of your product, please wait a couple of days beyond the expected delivery date before contacting us.
If you need expedited delivery, please contact us directly. Additional shipping and handling charges will apply.