Displays your product version number and copyright notice.
Allows you to import a background image from a TWAIN device. Use the "Select TWAIN Source" command to choose from among multiple devices.
Lets you add a background image to your design. After the image is imported it can be manipulated with the Background Properties command.
Lets you add a knot to an existing line. If the knot is added at the intersection of multiple lines, the new knot belongs to each line. If the knot is added on top of a slider, then a fixed knot will replace that slider. Adding a knot to a line sometimes causes that line to change its shape slightly. This is normal. A new knot will sometimes merge with nearby knots and lines. To reduce the area of influence, zoom in before adding the new knot.
Allows you to add text in two steps: pick a position for the text with the mouse, then enter the text itself. While entering the text you can specify its attributes, such as its font or color.
Lets you draw an arc in your design. Click in the view to place the knots. The arc must go through exactly three knots.
Causes knots to snap to grid points when created or moved.
Use this command to have your design saved at regular intervals. You can specify how often to save, and whether the save should happen automatically or with a confirmation.
Detects lines in your background image and converts them to curves and arcs. You must have a background image in your design for this command to be enabled.
Draws an outline around each letter of a text element created with the Add Text command. Once your letters have been drawn as lines and curves, you'll have the ability to resize them, rotate them, color them, and so on.
Allows you to view and change various properties of the background image.
Allows you to break one line into two or more lines. With a knot selected, any line going through that knot will be separated into two adjacent lines, with each line terminating at that knot. With a line segment selected, you separate a discontinuous line into a set of unconnected continuous lines.
Allows you to browse through a library of designs or bevels.
Arranges views in reduced-size, overlapping windows.
Lets you draw a circle in your design. The circle is created as an arc going through four knots. Use the shortcut menu to choose either of these drawing methods:
Center, Radius: | Define the circle by clicking first at its center and then at a point on the circle. |
Frame: | Define the circle by clicking twice to define a square frame into which the circle fits. |
Closes all views containing the active design. If you have made changes to the design, you will be asked if you want to save changes before you close. If you close a design without saving, you lose all changes made since the last time you saved it. Before closing an untitled design, Glass Eye 2000 displays the Save As dialog box and suggests that you name and save the design.
Closes the application, a view, or a dialog box.
Double-clicking the small icon in the top left of a window is the same as choosing the Close command from that window's pop-up menu.
If you have multiple views open for a single design, the Close command on the view pop-up menu closes only one view at a time. You can close all views at once with the Close command on the File menu.
Lets you click on a piece to change its color to the working color. A click with the right mouse button changes the piece clicked on as well as all other pieces of that color. A left mouse button click with the Shift key held down causes the color of the area clicked to become the working color.
Lets you choose among three ways of showing the glass in your design: you can stretch glass to fit each piece, display glass at its actual size, or use a solid color approximation. You also have tools for manipulating the color palette and the option to highlight pieces when coloring or numbering.
Copies selected line sections onto the Clipboard. Pieces (colors) are also placed on the Clipboard if all bordering line sections are selected. Copying to the Clipboard replaces the contents previously stored there.
Lets you draw a curve in your design. Click in the view to place the knots; double-click to end the line.
Allows you to customize the context-sensitive "shortcut" menu that appears when you click the right mouse button in your design view.
Removes the selected line sections and text from the design and puts them on the Clipboard. Pieces (colors) are also placed on the Clipboard if all bordering line sections are selected. Selected knots are deleted. Cutting to the Clipboard replaces the contents previously stored there.
Lets you change the properties used for all subsequent line drawing.
Removes the selected line sections, text and knots from the design.
Takes you to the Dragonfly Software website to see if any free updates are available.
Here you can choose the drawing methods for squares, rectangles, circles, ellipses and polygons. You can also specify how Shift key locking works during line drawing and moving.
Allows you to change the content or the attributes of the selected text.
Lets you draw an ellipse in your design. The ellipse is created as an arc going through four knots. Use the shortcut menu to choose either of these drawing methods:
Center, Dimensions: | Define the ellipse by clicking first at its center and then at another point to specify the width and height. |
Frame: | Define the ellipse by clicking twice to define a rectangular frame into which the ellipse fits. |
Have Glass Eye 2000 operate in the chosen language.
Use this command to activate your product license by entering either a license key or a registration number. Your product reference code is also shown here.
Allows you to delete parts of your design without first having to select them. In Erase mode hold down the left mouse button to erase lines and text, or accompany that with the Shift key to erase knots along the length of a line.
Ends your design session. Glass Eye 2000 prompts you to save any designs with unsaved changes.
Separates the pieces of your design so that they can be printed, plotted, or cut. Exploding is a two-phase process: separating your design into a set of unconnected pieces, and nesting those pieces within plotter pages.
Save your design in file formats other than the Glass Eye format.
Flips the selection from left to right (a horizontal flip) or from top to bottom (a vertical flip).
Displays the Help Topics dialog box. Use the tabs in this dialog box to search for information in several ways:
Change the position and rotation of glass within a piece. Hold down the Ctrl key to affect all pieces of the same color.
Allows you to group a set of lines. When formed into a group, selecting one of the lines in the group will select all lines in the group.
Tells you the price to purchase or upgrade Glass Eye 2000. Prices are subject to change, so please visit www.dfly.com to confirm the prices shown.
Open a file that was saved in WMF, EMF, DXF, or DWG format.
This command functions like the Open command, except that instead of opening the design into a new view the design is added at the center of the active view.
Forms one line out of two selected, adjacent lines.
Allows you to enter the dimensions of a panel lamp shade and visualize it in an interactive 3D viewer. It can show you the dimensions of each panel and can generate the outlines of those panels for you to use as a template for construction.
Lets you change the lead size and color of the selected line sections. A lead size consists of a face width, which is the width of the visible lead in your window, and a heart thickness, which is the width of the lead that sits directly between pieces of glass.
Converts the border of your design from H-came to U-came.
Enlarges the window to fill the available space.
Reduces the Glass Eye 2000 window to a button on the Windows taskbar.
Lets you move or copy the selection by specified horizontal and vertical distances.
Allows you to move the active window or dialog box with the arrow keys. This command is unavailable if the window is maximized.
Creates a new, blank design. If you wish to open an existing design, use the Open command.
Opens a new view with the same design as the active view. You can open multiple views to display different views of a design at the same time. If you change the contents in one view, all other views containing the same design reflect those changes. When you open a new view, it becomes the active view and is displayed on top of all other views.
Switches to the next open view. Glass Eye 2000 determines which view is next according to the order in which you opened the views.
Moves the selection a small amount in the direction of the arrow key pressed. If the Ctrl key is held down while pressing the arrow key, the amount moved is very slight.
Draws an offset line on the insides of pieces, or around the outside of your design.
Opens an existing design in a new view. If you wish to begin a new design, use the New command. You can have multiple designs open simultaneously. Use the Window menu to switch among the multiple open designs.
Lets you choose options for printing, including format (all on one page, actual size, or print-to-scale), reversed design, paper size and source, orientation (portrait or landscape) and margins.
Lets you scroll the view by dragging any point in it.
Stores your product license on the Dragonfly Software server for later retrieval using the Retrieve License from Server command.
Inserts a copy of the Clipboard contents at the crosshairs origin (if visible) or at the center of the view.
Lets you select knots, text and line sections by clicking on them. Also lets you move these elements by dragging them.
Use this command to control how pieces are labeled with color codes and numbers.
Lets you easily select, move and rotate pieces that have been separated using the Explode command.
Similar to the Print command, but instead of sending a design to your printer you are sending it to your plotter or cutting device. Glass Eye 2000 uses the term "plot" to include both plotting and cutting.
Lets you add a polygon to your design. The number of sides is specified using the Drawing Properties command. A polygon is always drawn with two clicks: one at the center, and one at a corner.
Switches to the previous open view. Glass Eye 2000 determines which view is previous according to the order in which you opened the views.
Lets you print a design. This command presents the Print dialog box, where you may specify the destination printer, the range of pages to be printed, the number of copies, and other printer setup options. Clicking the "Properties" button on the Print dialog box will take you to another dialog box that gives you extra control over your printed output, such as graphics resolution (sometimes called "print quality") and color adjustments. The properties available depend on the type of printer you have installed. Window patterns with color will probably look best when printed at medium resolution. Consult your printer documentation for help on setting your print quality.
Before printing, be sure to have set your desired print options using Page Setup. Use Print Preview to see how the design will appear when printed.
Displays the design as it would appear when printed. When you choose this command, the main window will be replaced with a print preview window in which one or two pages will be displayed in their printed format. The print preview toolbar offers you options to view either one or two pages at a time, move back and forth through the design, zoom in and out of pages, and initiate printing.
This command brings up the Properties dialog box, which contains three tabbed pages. The General page allows you to specify a title, artist, style, category, shape, difficulty, keywords and notes for any design. The Glass Usage page shows you your glass usage and costs. The Came Usage page shows you your usage and costs for lead, zinc, or brass came. The Miscellaneous page lists materials other than glass or came required to construct your design. The Construction Cost page provides a spreadsheet for you to compute the construction cost or retail price of a design.
Use this command to purchase your copy of Glass Eye 2000. Purchases are typically transacted over the Internet, but options to order by telephone or mail are available.
Lets you draw a rectangle in your design. The rectangle is created as four connected curves. Use the shortcut menu to choose either of these drawing methods:
Center, Dimensions: | Define the rectangle by clicking first at its center and then at a corner to specify the width and height. |
Corner, Dimensions: | Define the rectangle by clicking at two opposing corners. |
Reverses the action of the Undo command.
Erases the view and redraws the design.
Makes a mirror image of the selection across one or both of the crosshairs. This command is available only when crosshairs are shown.
Converts the border of your design from U-came to H-came.
This command will erase your product license. Use with extreme caution.
Lets you make multiple copies of a selected element in your design.
Lets you specify the width and height of the selection. Both width and height are measured from the middle of lead lines, not the outer edges.
Returns a maximized window to its previous size.
Retrieves a product license that was parked on the Dragonfly Software server using the Park License on Server command.
Lets you rotate the selection using your mouse or keyboard.
Saves the active design using its current filename and folder. When you save a design for the first time, Glass Eye 2000 displays a dialog box so you can name your file and choose its folder. If you want to change your file's name or folder, use the Save As command.
Lets you name and save the active design. To save a design using its current name and folder, use the Save command.
Lets you scale the selection by specified horizontal and vertical scale factors.
Selects all lines and text in the design.
Selects all the text in your design. This does not include piece labels, which are not selectable.
Selects lines that share the same face width, heart thickness, or color.
Sends the design through electronic mail as an attachment. The attached file can be in .eye format or a number of image file formats.
Lets you click in the view to set the point where the crosshairs intersect.
Sets the point where the crosshairs intersect to the (0,0) point of the rulers.
Allows you to set font attributes for the selected text. If no text is selected, this appears as the "Set Default Font" command and allows you to set font attributes for the text you will later add to your design.
Lets you type in the location for a selected knot.
Lets you click in the view to set the (0,0) point of the rulers.
Sets the (0,0) point of the rulers to the point where the crosshairs intersect.
Displays or hides the background image.
Displays or hides the colors of pieces.
Displays or hides the horizontal/vertical or diagonal crosshairs.
Displays or hides grid lines. If the grid line density becomes too great then grid lines are not shown and the message "Too many grid lines to display" appears in the status bar.
Causes lines to be shown or not shown as hairlines.
Displays or hides knots.
Displays or hides rulers.
Allows you to size the active window with the arrow keys. After the pointer changes to the four-headed arrow:
This command is unavailable if the window is maximized.
Moves all selected knots (or knots adjacent to selected line sections) to their nearest grid points.
Lets you draw a square in your design. The square is created as four connected curves. Use the shortcut menu to choose either of these drawing methods:
Center, Side: | Define the square by clicking first at its center and then at another point to specify the size. |
Corner, Side: | Define the square by clicking first at one of its corners and then at another point to specify the size. |
Displays or hides the status bar, which describes the action to be executed by the selected menu item or toolbar button, and which displays the pointer location.
When this option is enabled, knots that are created or moved will automatically join with other knots or become sliders on lines. Only in rare circumstances should you disable this option.
Brings selected lines into horizontal or vertical alignment. This command can also arrange the knots of a single curve or arc into a straight line defined by its endpoints.
Causes a stretch box to appear around the selection. You can then change the size of the selection by dragging one of the resize handles on the box. If the Shift key is held down the selection maintains its proportions; if the Ctrl key is held down the selection maintains its center. You can also move the selection by dragging the inside of the box.
Lets you divide the selected line sections into smaller sections of equal length.
Looks for design flaws in the active view and offers suggestions for fixing them.
Arranges views in reduced-size, non-overlapping windows.
Switches between the last two command modes.
Displays or hides the toolbar, which contains buttons for the most common commands.
Use this command to move your product license to another computer. After doing so, Glass Eye 2000 will become disabled on the original computer.
Looks on your computer for Glass Eye 2000 lessons that you can see in your web browser. If not found on your computer, you have the option of finding the lessons on the Dragonfly Software website.
Reverses the last editing action, if possible.
Reverses the action of the Group command.
Lets you set the way measurements and materials usage are displayed. You can set units (inches, feet, millimeters, centimeters, or meters), format (decimals or fractions) and precision values, including those that determine the accuracy of the Rotate and Straighten commands.
Allows you to upgrade to a more advanced version of Glass Eye 2000.
Shows you a history of registration events. Do not delete or modify the log. The log can be useful if you need to contact Dragonfly Software technical support regarding a licensing issue.
Lets you set many properties of the active view. Changes here affect the way a design is viewed, but do not affect the design itself.
This command will take you to the Yahoo! Group for Glass Eye 2000. There you can ask questions, chat, share designs and see our events calendar.
Provides help on some portion of Glass Eye 2000. After initiating the command, the pointer changes to an arrow and question mark. Then click somewhere in the Glass Eye 2000 window, or choose a menu item, or press a key. A help topic will be shown for what you have chosen.
Lets you drag a line section away from a knot. To yank, place the pointer on a line section near a knot and then drag.
Lets you control how large or small a design appears in a view. You can click with the left mouse button to zoom in or with the right mouse button to zoom out. You can also drag a zoom box around the portion of the design you want to fill the view.
Displays the entire design in the view.
Makes the design appear larger in the view. With the Ctrl key held down the amount of zoom is reduced to 1/10 of the normal amount.
Makes the design appear smaller in the view. With the Ctrl key held down the amount of zoom is reduced to 1/10 of the normal amount.
At the bottom of the Window menu is a list of currently open views. A check mark appears in front of the design name of the active view. Choose a design from this list to make its view active.
Opens the design you select from the numbered list of designs. The last nine designs you have accessed are shown.